Author: ceki
Date: Sun Aug 28 18:06:27 2005
New Revision: 233

   nlog4j/trunk/   (props changed)
preparing 1.2.17, syncing with latest SLF4J

Modified: nlog4j/trunk/build.xml
--- nlog4j/trunk/build.xml      (original)
+++ nlog4j/trunk/build.xml      Sun Aug 28 18:06:27 2005
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
   <!-- prefixed with "env". -->
   <property environment="env"/>
-  <property name="version" value="1.2.16"/>
+  <property name="version" value="1.2.17"/>
   <!-- The base directory relative to which most targets are built -->
   <property name="base" value="."/>

Modified: nlog4j/trunk/slf4j.xml
--- nlog4j/trunk/slf4j.xml      (original)
+++ nlog4j/trunk/slf4j.xml      Sun Aug 28 18:06:27 2005
@@ -3,17 +3,16 @@
   <!-- The directory where source files are stored. -->
   <property name="java.source.dir" value="./src/java/"/>
+  <property name="tmp.slf4j" value="tmp/slf4j"/>
   <!-- ================================================================= -->
   <!-- Default target                                                    -->
   <!-- ================================================================= -->
   <target name="usage">
       These are some of the targets supported by this ANT build scpript:
-      svnCheckout - get SLF4J files into src/filtered-java
-      refresh-slf4j - copy source files into the log4j source tree, using
-                     variable substitution
+      refresh-slf4j - get newest SLF4J files from SVN repository
@@ -23,56 +22,52 @@
   <!-- building log4j. However, it needs to be done whenever code in SLF4J -->
   <!-- changes, that is seldom                                             -->
   <!-- =================================================================== -->
+        <target name="refresh-slf4j" depends="svnCheckout">
-  <target name="refresh-slf4j" depends="svnCheckout">  
-    <!-- delete any stale copy of and friends but keep 
-         impl/ is our own original file. -->
-    <delete>
-      <fileset dir="src/java/org/slf4j" 
-               includes="**/*.java"
-               excludes="impl/"/>
-    </delete>
-    <!-- copy a filtered version of slf4j to src/java. -->
-    <copy todir="src/java">
-      <fileset dir="src/slf4j/filtered-java">
-        <include name="**/*.java"/>
-      </fileset>
-      <filterset><filter token="IMPL" value="Log4j"/></filterset>
-      <filterset>
-        <filter token="MARKER_FACTORY_IMPL_PREFIX" 
-                value="Basic"/>
-      </filterset>
-    </copy>
-   <!-- copy other invariable slf4j files to src/java. Exclude JDK14
-         files because they will never be needed by NLOG4J -->     
-    <copy todir="src/java">
-      <fileset dir="src/slf4j/java">
-        <include name="**/*.java"/>
-        <exclude name="**/impl/JDK14*.java"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </copy>
-  </target>
-  <!-- =================================================================== -->
-  <!-- Check out SLF4J pre-filtered source code using "Pure Java           -->
-  <!-- Subversion Client Library" see for        -->
-  <!-- details.                                                            -->
-  <!--                                                                     -->
-  <!-- Note that we retrieve the sourc code into src/slf4j/. The           -->
-  <!-- refresh-slf4j task defined above that will copy a filtered          -->
-  <!-- and javac compatible version into src/java/.                        -->
-  <!-- =================================================================== -->
+           <!-- delete any stale copy of SLF4J files but reatain our own 
+                original files. -->
+           <delete>
+             <fileset dir="src/java/org/slf4j" 
+                      includes="**/*.java"
+                      excludes="impl/, 
+                                impl/"/>
+           </delete>
+          <!-- copy other invariable slf4j files to src/java. Exclude JDK14
+                files because they will never be needed by NLOG4J -->     
+           <copy todir="src/java/org/slf4j/">
+             <fileset dir="${tmp.slf4j}/">
+               <include name="**/*.java"/>
+               <exclude name="**/impl/JDK14*.java"/>
+             </fileset>
+           </copy>
+               <!--
+       <delete dir="${tmp.slf4j}" />
+    -->
+         </target>
+       <!-- 
=================================================================== -->
+       <!-- Check out SLF4J source code repository into ${tmp.slf4j}           
+       <!--                                                                    
+       <!-- Note that in order to avoid .svn working directory conflicts these 
+       <!-- file are recopied into src/java/ by the refresh-slf4j task defined 
+       <!-- above                                                              
+       <!--                                                                    
+       <!-- "Pure Java Subversion Client Library" is used to access SLF4J's 
SVN -->
+       <!-- see for details.                         
+       <!-- 
=================================================================== -->
   <target name="svnCheckout">
-    <delete dir="src/slf4j/" />
-    <property name="repository.URL" 
-    <java classname="org.tmatesoft.svn.cli.SVN" dir="src/" fork="true">
+    <mkdir dir="${tmp.slf4j}"/>
+    <property name="repository.URL" 
+    <java classname="org.tmatesoft.svn.cli.SVN" dir="tmp" fork="true">
       <arg value="co"/>
       <arg value="${repository.URL}"/>
       <arg value="slf4j"/>
@@ -81,7 +76,7 @@
         <pathelement location="lib/javasvn-cli.jar" />

Modified: nlog4j/trunk/src/xdocs/changes.xml
--- nlog4j/trunk/src/xdocs/changes.xml  (original)
+++ nlog4j/trunk/src/xdocs/changes.xml  Sun Aug 28 18:06:27 2005
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
       considered as a drop-in replacement for log4j version 1.2.9.
-      <h2>LF5, chainsaw and  <code>NTEventAppender</code></h2>
+      <h2>Voluntary omission of LF5, chainsaw and
+      <code>NTEventAppender</code></h2>
       <p>In order to save space, it was decided <em>not</em> to
       bundle LF5, chainsaw and <code>NTEventAppender</code> with
@@ -25,6 +26,12 @@
+    <section name="Changes in NLOG4J 1.2.17">
+      <p>NLOG4J 1.2.17 mirrors the the SLF4J binding simplifications
+      introduced in SLF4J 1.0beta7.
+      </p>
+    </section>
     <section name="Changes in NLOG4J 1.2.16">
       <p>In NLOG4J 1.2.16, contrary to versions 1.2.14 and 1.2.15, the
       <code>Category</code> class accepts parameters of type

Modified: nlog4j/trunk/src/xdocs/download.xml
--- nlog4j/trunk/src/xdocs/download.xml (original)
+++ nlog4j/trunk/src/xdocs/download.xml Sun Aug 28 18:06:27 2005
@@ -8,17 +8,17 @@
-        <section name="NLOG4J version 1.2.15">
+        <section name="NLOG4J version 1.2.17">
-         <p>You can download NLOG4J version 1.2.16, with native SLF4J
+         <p>You can download NLOG4J version 1.2.17, with native SLF4J
          support, including <i>full source code</i>, class files and
          documentation as
-            <li><a 
-            <li><a 
+            <li><a 
+            <li><a 
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