Hi John,

Thank you very much for your message. OSGI support is one of the
features we are keen to add in SLF4J. You should be pleased to know
that SLF4J recently added OSGI metadata in manifest files in its
jars. So the metadata is there we just don't know how to test it
properly. :-)

Sebastien Pennec and I would very much like to see you pursuing the
effort [1] you started at Apache. As such, we welcome you as a new
committer to the SLF4J project. Regarding the technical details of
creating an account etc, I'll contact you offline.

[1] http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/directory/sandbox/jconlon/osgi-services/

At 05:06 PM 1/10/2007, John E. Conlon wrote:
>Hi slf4j devs,
>At the Apache Directory project there has been an ongoing effort to
>adopt OSGi as a component services manager and container.  Since the
>Apache Directory utilizes SLF4J as a logging facade one of the first
>things we needed to do to move the OSGi effort forward was to put
>together a OSGi SLF4J solution for logging.
>...you will find a maven project that takes jcl104-over-slf4j, nlog4j
>and some simple code (for pushing OSGi LogService calls to slf4j) and
>wraps these in a single jar. This jar is a metadata annotated OSGi
>bundle. With this single jar (aka bundle) we can offer slfy4, clogging
>and OSGi LogService APIs to any services and applications managed by the
>OSGi runtime.  Logging output is specified with a single
>log4j.properties file.
>Certainly a ham fisted approach, but one that has served itself well
>during our development and integration testing. As the Apache Directory
>moves closer to our OSGi goals we would be delighted to find a more
>flexible and sustainable successor for this effort.
>Along these lines, I am willing to help the slf4j dev team OSGi enable
>it's native jars so that they may be installed and combined in an OSGi
>runtime to offer SLF4J services to OSGi bundles.  This would be
>accomplished by the inclusion of additional OSGi specific metadata in
>the jars manifest during artifact creation and will not effect their
>operation as standard jars.
>Is there an interest?
>kind regards,
>John Conlon

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