Hello Michael,

Thank you for this report. Indeed, the implementation of SimpleLogger changed 
SLF4J 1.5.3 in order to solve bug 71 (SLF4J loggers are now serializable). 
Actually, its the super-class of SimpeLogger, that is MarkerIgnoringBase which 
changed. This class is located in slf4j-api.

This change should be transparent as long as the slf4j-api version matches that 
of the binding, slf4j-simple in your case. Do you have a specific reason for 
having differing versions for slf4j-api and slf4j-simple?


Michael Brackx wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems slf4j-simple 1.5.3 is not compatible with slf4j-api 1.4.2
> This is not apparent from the compatibility report.
> stacktrace snippet:
> Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: name
>         at org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger.<init>(SimpleLogger.java:83)
>         at 
> org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleLoggerFactory.java:67)
>         at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoggerFactory.java:103)
> Michael Brackx
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ceki Gülcü
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