Hello SLF4J developers,

I have initiated a project named "RJack" at RubyForge to package some of
the most fundamental open-source Java libraries for use in some
heterogeneous JRuby/Java projects I and others are working on. The first
two gems released package SLF4J and Logback.


To quote the project page:

RJack offer gems for SLF4J and Logback which together provide a complete
toolkit for unifying and controlling logging in a heterogeneous
application containing ruby and java components. The slf4j gem may
simply be used to load jars that java components are dependent on, but
also offers a ruby core Logger compatible logging adapter. The logback
gem provides a facade for programmatic Logback configuration in ruby.

Firstly, I believe I've been careful to uphold the license terms of both
SLF4J and Logback by using the same terms for the respective gems, but I
thought it would be appropriate to give you an early opportunity to
review these and let me know if there is anything unsatisfactory in the

Beyond this I've also included ruby wrappers for logging via SLF4J and
as well as ruby-based setup of Logback.  I'm interested in any feedback
you might be willing to provide on those interfaces.

In any case, thanks for your continued efforts in developing a great
logging system!


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