Thorbjoern Ravn Andersen wrote:

You may notice on re-reading it, that it isn't. The intended audience is people who happen to know about logging frameworks ALREADY, and the document tries to convince the audience that slf4j is great.

That is correct. The intended audience is supposed to know about logging frameworks already.

This has previously been much worse and appears to me to originally have been a "JCL bad, slf4j good" document which has slowly migrated to be a general powerpoint-like presentation. (The FAQ shows this too).

The JCL bad and SLF4J good tilt has been largely corrected.

For this document to be true to the title, I believe that at LEAST the following needs to be defined for an *uninitiated* audience:

* what IS a logging framework?

* what situations would it be reasonable to do logging?

* the concept of log levels and the historic background.

* the way stacktraces may be attached to a log event

* proper explanation of {} placeholders and how to use them in pre-Java5 and after Java 5 (varargs)

* examples of using MDC (which I wholeheartedly feel should have a more telling name).

All these questions, except {} placeholders, are better answered
within the context of logging frameworks themselves, not in SLF4J, as
to avoid duplication.

Ceki Gülcü
Logback: The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Java.
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