Billie caught it (despite me staring at it).

Because we override the repository in distributionManagement, you need to have apache.staging.https defined in ~/.m2/settings.xml with your credentials (not just the normal apache.releases.https from apache.pom).

I have a release:perform of the tag Steve made (slider-0.61.0) currently running...

Josh Elser wrote:
I've been 401'ed as well -- I know my local creds are good because I
just deployed a snapshot.

[INFO] [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy (default-deploy)
on project slider: Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer
artifact org.apache.slider:slider:pom:0.61.0 from/to
Failed to transfer file:
Return code is: 401, ReasonPhrase: Unauthorized. -> [Help 1]

Also verified that the information in our pom is correct per the
apache.pom [1]. I'll search around a little bit, but I'm kind of
perplexed too.

- Josh


Josh Elser wrote:
I'm poking around with trying out your steps this morning. Will report
if I get stuck, too.

Steve Loughran wrote:
I have to confess: I can't release using maven to automate the ASF
release process; I'm getting 401/unauthed, even though the
team can't see any problems

Can someone else try?

1. release branch is branches/branch-0.6 ; tag tag-prerelease-0.61 being
what I want to release.

2. I've documented what I think we are meant to do in:


under: Work-in-Progress Automated releases via maven

The release process includes updating the poms and pushing up versions
the release branch, branches/branch-0.6; to stop the release you not
need to do a mvn release:clean, you need to reset the head of the
branch to
the tag-prerelease-0.61 commit and force push the change back up.

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