I want to push out a quick "preview-grade" release of slider with 
Anti-affinity, https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLIDER-1014

That's for people to play with; we can plan for a full 0.90.x release in January

I'm about branch develop for this and do the release process. Are there any 
critical patches that can't wait until January?

1. I've just put in SLIDER-1010 which stops the AM failing in a secure cluster 
on Hadoop 2.6+ Java 7u60/Java 8+
2. Ted's got a patch internally which changes an hbase staging dir; I'll pull 
that over as he's been using it without complaines from QE
3. It already has the SLIDER-1004 bin/storm patch which went in last week.

Is that OK?

One other interesting question: which version of Hadoop to build against and 
bundle: 2.6 vs 2.7.1?

I'm very tempted to make the main build 2.7.1


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