Hi Manoj,

The "/usr/bin/python -S <path to component script.py> START ..." command
looks normal; that is how the component scripts are executed.  I would
expect this to be the parent of the "/bin/bash --login -c <Execute
command>" process.  If you're seeing the python as the parent of the
Execute command, it is probably not why your process is failing.  One thing
you can do is add logoutput=True to your Execute command; maybe that will
show you the error that is happening.

I wonder if the problem is related to the use of execle.  I understand that
exec commands replace the current process rather than creating a child
process, like the system command would.  Perhaps if you used the system
command in your C code, that would produce a different result.


On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 12:17 PM, Manoj Samel <manojsamelt...@gmail.com>

> Hello Again !
> One more observation .. hopefully that triggers some feedback from this
> forum ...
> 1) Without the setuid option, the component Execute() command is "java -Dxx
> -cp yy abc" etc. This runs fine. On the node running the component, I can
> see this process as well its parent process as "/bin/bash --login -c java
> -Dxx -cp yy abc" etc. So all is good and parent process is the shell as
> expected
> 2) With the setuid option, the component Execute() command is not java but
> the path to my C executable and its parameters e.g. "/a/b/processlauncher
> arg1 arg2". When I run this, the parent of this dies quickly -- but I was
> able to capture the parent process before it dies. The parent is NOT
> "/bin/bash --login -c " as I was expecting but is "/usr/bin/python -S <path
> to component script.py> START
> /xxx/application_1461117905837_0276/container_e13_1461117905837_0276_01_000002/command-2.json
> /xxx/appcache/application_1461117905837_0276/filecache/11/spas-1.0.0.zip/package
> /xyz/application_1461117905837_0276/container_e13_1461117905837_0276_01_000002/structured-out-2.json
> /foo/application_1461117905837_0276/container_e13_1461117905837_0276_01_000002
> It appears that when the component is a executable, rather than Java (as
> was in case 1), it is run as Python script !  Any idea why ? Could this be
> reason why the parent process is dying quickly ?
> I also tried this with a simple C program as component that does nothing
> but loops infinitely. I.e. without it being setuid or doing other execle()
> etc. Even with the simple C binary, I see above behavior. So something
> different about using a executable rather than Java command as component
> ??? Should I execute the C binary component in different manner ?
> Any guidance on this will be really appreciated !!!!
> Thanks,
> Manoj
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Manoj Samel <manojsamelt...@gmail.com>
> Date: Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 2:40 PM
> Subject: Need Help !: Run each component of application as different user
> To: dev@slider.incubator.apache.org
> Hi,
> See use case background below
> I have implemented option 2 mentioned below (as a C program deployed on
> nodes as setuid root binary). Need help in debugging issue I am seeing
> Without the setuid option, the execution is
> 1. Launch Slider AM as user "A"
> 2. Launch java component using command like "java -cp ....". These run as
> user "A" as well. Things run well
> With setuid root option, the execution is
> 1. Launch slider AM as user "A" as before
> 2. Instead of launching java program as the component, launch the setuid
> program as a component. The program gets the end user name , say "B" as
> parameter. It does a setuid() and setgid() to user "B" (remember, its
> running as setuid root) and does a "execle()" for the java component,
> setting java parameters etc.
> The component comes up fine but I noticed that the "status" command fails
> ... Digging further, it seems that the parent process dies when I use the
> setuid
> With the normal execution, I noticed that there are two processes launched
> for a component on a node. The first process is "/bin/bash --login -c java
> ..." coming from my Execute() (which is traced to sliders
> resource_management/core/shell.py. The child process then is "java xxx".
> User for both processes is user "A"
> With the setuid execution, the parent process dies quickly. The child
> process gets orphaned and gets parent process ID as 1 (and is running as
> user "B")
> Any help in identifying why is the parent process dying ?
> Thanks in advance !!
> Manoj
> PS : Please ignore my last mail sent with same title few minutes back. I
> hit return by mistake when it was not complete :(
> On Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 10:30 AM, Manoj Samel <manojsamelt...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Environment is slider .80 on Hadoop 2.6 secured cluster
> >
> > A component is launched for each distinct user of the service (via
> > upgrade). E.g. when user A accesses service, do a "upgrade" and create a
> > component for user A. When user B comes, create another component for
> user
> > B etc.
> >
> > At present, all of these components are launched & run as single linux
> > user. What are the options to run each component as different user ?
> >
> > Following are couple of options I can think of, each involving starting
> as
> > root and then setting the uid / gid to the desired user
> >
> > 1. Launch the java command using "sudo". Then at the start, the Java
> > program sets its real uid to the target user (passed as option to
> program)
> > using a small C function used as JNI call. From then on, it runs as that
> > effective user for rest of its life. One open research question is -
> Since
> > sudo has to be run by a non-root user, then the sudoer need to be updated
> > to allow this without password. Not yet sure what command should the
> sudoer
> > should contain, as this is launched by python class.
> >
> > 2. Have a C executable that is setUID root. Launch this executable as
> > component (with user as one of the parameter). The first thing it does is
> > drops its UID to the target user and then does a exec "java xxx", running
> > java as the target user
> >
> > Any other out-of-box options ?
> > In resource_management/core/resources/system.py, I noticed that class
> > Execute can take a parameter "user" <  user = ResourceArgument() >. Its
> not
> > clear if and how this could be used. In core/shell.py, the logic around
> > "user" is commented out with comment " Do not su to the supplied user" ..
> >
> > Any feedback on approach / pros / cons / potential issues will be
> > appreciated !
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Manoj
> >
> >
> >

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