On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Peter Chiochetti<p...@myzel.net> wrote:
> Is there a way to prevent the Algorithm for Node Name Creation from adding
> numbers to names specified in a ":name" form field, ie. perform step 4 like
> documented here
> "http://sling.apache.org/site/manipulating-content-the-slingpostservlet-servletspost.html#ManipulatingContent-TheSlingPostServlet(servlets.post)-AlgorithmforNodeNameCreation".
> So the request either fails or does an update instead of a create?

Using :name only should give an exception, if a node with that name
already exists. Adding numbers at the end should only be done when
using :nameHint instead of :name, or (if no :name is present) by
taking a property such as title, jcr:title, name etc. if available.

So setting :name should "force" the post servlet to do 1. only. If it
behaves differently, it's a bug.


Alexander Klimetschek

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