On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 8:53 AM, Vidar Ramdal <vi...@idium.no> wrote:

> > Vidar Ramdal wrote:
> >> However, the mountByFS feature relies on the Sling-Initial-Content
> >> header to decide which paths should be mapped. This crashes with the
> >> Sling Content Loader bundle, which also looks for that header. So, if
> >> the Content Loader bundle is active when you deploy a bundle with
> >> mountByFS, you'll end up with both FsResourceProviders AND initial
> >> content in the repository. This defies the purpose of mountByFS, and
> >> usually also leads to some unexpected behavior in resource resolution.
Could you explain what "unexpected behavior" you're referring to? The
FsResourceProvider overrides content in the repository, which I think is the
expected behavior.

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 2:29 PM, Carsten Ziegeler <cziege...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> > [...]
> > My usual development environment uses this feature together with initial
> > content headers and so far I never experienced a problem - it is true
> > that the content is also installed into the repository but the resources
> > mounted through the fs provider take precedence - at least they do it in
> > my case :)
Me too.

> That's useful information. I just took for granted that mountByFS and
> the content loader combination was not particularly common. I'll keep
> an eye open next time I deploy, to try to see exactly what fails.
> >> So how about letting maven-sling-plugin support another config element
> >> in addition to Sling-Initial-Content, say, Sling-Mount-File-Resources.
> >> That way, the Content Loader bundle should not interfere when the
> >> mountByFS bundle is deployed.

Sorry, but what's the point of this? If you just want to use
FsResourceProvider(s), do that, but then don't create a bundle because the
bundle isn't usable in that installing it into the OSGi container won't add
the content. So I think this addition would have a strong likelihood of
creating confusion. Imagine this scenario:

1) I start development on a content bundle. 2) I read the plugin docs and
see that I can add a Sling-Mount-File-Resources header for "rapid
development" (and, hey, who doesn't love rapid development) 3) I run mvn
sling:install (or have sling:install bound to the install phase) 4) Develop,
test, repeat, etc. 5) I'm ready to deploy my content bundle to production, I
use the Felix console to install the bundle. 6) My content doesn't show
up... FAIL

You could also replace #5 with "I distribute my content bundle to a
co-worker and they install it into their local instance" or "I deploy my
bundle to an OBR repository and install it from there"

> Now, I think we should a) add the additional config element and b) see
> > which problems you have when the initial content header is used. Maybe
> > we can fix them as well.
> Great. As I said, I'll gather some more details on b). Nonetheless, I
> too believe it would be useful to have a method of just installing
> FsResourceProviders without loading the content, if only to reduce the
> time it takes to deploy. So a) =>
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-1271

Is this performance issue real? AFAICT, Loading of content into the
repository is asynchronous (if not, that's a separate problem which should
be dealt with).

What may make sense is to create a Maven goal which doesn't require a
project or interact with the lifecycle to easily create new
FsResourceProviders. Something like:

$ mvn sling:add-fs-provider -Dsrc=. -Ddest=/libs/testcontent

(which would create a new FsResourceProvider mapping /libs/testcontent to
the current directory).


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