On 11 Jan 2010, at 07:52, Felix Meschberger wrote:

> Hi,
> On 09.01.2010 11:48, Ian Boston wrote:
>> Ok, so I was slow on the uptake, as usual, I now see the problems and I 
>> agree, the pooling should be removed.
> Ok, shall I move on then ? Or should I wait for the full consequences
> with respect to ACL caching (see below) are known ?

I am happy with that, you have tested in performance with no pooling, and I 
think it will only become an issue with group deny, which is not a problem for 
Sling or Jackrabbit at the moment.

>> Just for the record, here is want I observed, only worth reading if you like 
>> me haven't looked at the pool code. (Felix I think you said all of this in 
>> shorthand form, sorry)
> Thanks for the flowser. Yet your description hits the nail right at the
> center and is also very concise!
>> 1. The only sessions that can go into the pool are sessions authenticated 
>> with a password, as the password is stored with the pool and used to check 
>> if the login request can get the session out of the pool which btw is a pool 
>> for the user in question. If you have any form of LoginModule associated 
>> with an AuthenticationHandler (eg the OpenID or a container auth, CAS, 
>> webAuth, ie anything where Sling does not see the password), then the pool 
>> wont work.
>> 2. There is one pool per user, and the "user pools" are never cleaned up. 
>> Since sessions are only cleaned when taken out of the pool, if 1M users hit 
>> your app server and then exited their browser there would be 1M pools and 
>> 1-4M open JCR sessions (browsers have 1-4 http connections per window). The 
>> current code does not clean user pools or defunct sessions.
>> 3. The inactive session list is a linked list that needs to be tightly 
>> synchronised. I think I am seeing the same session being taken out of the 
>> pool and shared incorrectly, resulting in a release happening more than 
>> once. Some of the time this results in a logout which shows up. Since 
>> sessions are not thread safe, I think it might have been the cause of other 
>> random problems.
>> 4. slingRepository.loginAdministrative() uses SimpleCredentials and so is 
>> pooled. Limiting the number of concurrent request that require an 
>> administrative session to < 10 (the default per user pool size).

actually this is wrong, there is no limit by default, but only the first 10 get 

>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Can you point me to where the compiled ACLs are cached, I cant find the 
>> code, I need to check that my customisations haven't broken anything ?
> Oops, now you got me...
> According to my interpretation of the code, your are right in saying the
> compiled ACLs are cached per-Session and not globally...
> Unfortunately, I have to admit that this is an area of Jackrabbit code,
> I do not know in full detail. So it might be worth asking on the
> Jackrabbit list about this....

Ok, will do.

> Regards
> Felix
>> Thanks
>> Ian
>> On 7 Jan 2010, at 09:22, Felix Meschberger wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> You are correctly noting these potential issues.
>>> But for a long time now, Jackrabbit has dramatically grown in this area:
>>> * The compiled ACLs are not cached within the session but in an
>>>   ACL cache (where they IMHO belong)
>>> * Session setup once was a very heavy-weight operation (due to
>>>   Principal lookup etc.). This has also been highly optimized by
>>>   now. In fact Repository.login is even as fast as (if not faster
>>>   than) retrieving and checking a Session from the session pool !
>>> In fact, for our Communiqué 5 product we have switched off session
>>> pooling for a long time now -- interestingly for performance and
>>> stability reasons.
>>> What you might want to check with respect to performance, is temporarily
>>> switching off session pooling by setting the "Max Idle Session"
>>> configuration value to zero (0).
>>> Regards
>>> Felix
>>> On 07.01.2010 10:12, Ian Boston wrote:
>>>> On 6 Jan 2010, at 22:11, Felix Meschberger wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Today I stumbled upon a potential problem with the JCR Session Pooling
>>>>> we have in the JCR Base bundle.
>>>>> Some time ago, we disabled session pooling by default. Only today I
>>>>> actually set this default for the Embedded Jackrabbit bundle (see
>>>>> SLING-1272).
>>>>> The problems with session pooling are manyfold, some of the issues are:
>>>>> * Only works with SimpleCredentials authentication
>>>>> * Wrong level of abstraction: such optimizations are the task of the
>>>>>     repository implementation and not of the user
>>>>> * Cleanup of the session for reuse is brittle and timeconsuming
>>>>>     (due to a JCR search to ensure unlocking transient locks)
>>>>> * Little to no gain in performance (in fact performance is even
>>>>>     lower than using plain Jackrabbit Sessions.
>>>>> The only real use of the current session pooling, we might discuss, is
>>>>> the optional limitation of concurrent requests per user. But even this
>>>>> feature is disabled by default.
>>>>> For these reasons, I think we should remove the Session Pooling support
>>>>> from the JCR base bundle.
>>>>> WDYT ?
>>>> What happens to compiled ACL's if there is no session pooling. IIRC where 
>>>> the JCR is not in "everyone can read everything" mode, the Session is the 
>>>> location where compiled ACL's are stored. If the session is not pooled 
>>>> every request has to recompile the ACLs.
>>>> This wont be noticed for situations where most reads dont need an ACL, but 
>>>> where they do and there are a high number of ACL (or the cost of resolving 
>>>> and compiling the ACLs is higher due to complex rules) then removing 
>>>> session pooling is going to have an impact.
>>>> The ACL resolution mechanism in DefaultAccessControlManager is highly 
>>>> optimised and very fast once the ACL has been compiled, which is good 
>>>> since its an extremely high traffic area of the Jackrabbit code base, but 
>>>> compilation of the ACL is not fast particularly where there are many ACLs 
>>>> effecting a single node.
>>>> I suspect that if you are comparing performance in "everyone can read 
>>>> everything" you wont see any impact, have you tried to see what happens 
>>>> when there is a more complex ACL structure that is compiled ?
>>>> Also, I was told once that JCR XASessions and the associated 
>>>> SecurtiyManager, and all JCR core thing with an init() attached to the 
>>>> session was a heavy and expensive object (relative term) that should be 
>>>> re-used, has this changed ?
>>>> I am not going to vote on this, but I do want to discuss it since when I 
>>>> first looked at Sling I was relieved to see session pooling in place.
>>>> I could also be that I am miss-understanding session pooling, but I 
>>>> thought the key feature was that if a user came back, and there was a 
>>>> session in the pool that they had used before, they got the same session 
>>>> back and were able to re-use all the work of previous requests in the ACL 
>>>> area.
>>>> Ian
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Felix

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