On 1/26/10 4:14 AM, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Felix Meschberger wrote:

On 25.01.2010 20:43, Justin Edelson wrote:
I've just committed an implementation of SLING-1303, which allows
bundles to dynamically add new values to the Bindings object used with
scripting. I think it's working nicely, except for the JSP integration.
IIRC, you can't dynamically add scripting variables - the TagExtraInfo
class is invoked at compile time, not runtime.

Assuming this is the case (and I'm the first to admit my JSP API skills
are weak),
I can assure you that you are not alone -- I am sitting in that very
same boat with you ;-)
Then we are already three....

Well, the three of us and Bertrand are the only people who have committed to bundles/scripting/jsp or bundles/scripting/jsp-taglib, so this doesn't bode well :)
I agree with you, that whis would be a really good thing --
unfortunately, I also have not found the ideal solution until now. There
are few workaround approaches, I can see right now:

(1) Provide the sling variable as part of the<sling:defineObjects>  tag
and then you can access the properties using EL:


Hmmm. I may be missing something, but sling is an instance of SlingScriptHelper.... I guess I could make ScriptHelper also implement a Map backed by the Bindings object. Off to find a JSP book in my basement...


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