
On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 1:52 PM, Ian Boston <i...@tfd.co.uk> wrote:
> ...I want to be able to stop the listing of all child nodes at specific urls, 
> but still allow direct access to items in a subtree.
> Any ideas how this is best done in Sling? (and webdav)...

I'm fairly ignorant about the internals of access control in
Jackrabbit, so let me go on with a naive "ideal world" idea.
I'll let others find out if that's implementable ;-)

One thing that bugs me in JCR is the lack of the "user owner" and
"group owner" concepts of unix filesystems - I find those very useful
to solve such cases. So my first suggestion would be to introduce
those concept, ideally allowing multiple groups to own a node.

> Anon, cant list the contents of /_user
> /_user/

Deny a (custom? new?) "list child nodes" permission on /_user to anon

> but can list the contents of
> /_user/ieb

Session.getNode("/_user/ieb") works because that doesn't require
calling getNodes() on /_user, so "list child nodes" permission not

> and can download
> /_user/ieb/myinfo.pdf

For the same reason

> and ieb can download
> /_user/ieb/private/myinfo.pdf

I think you mean "only ieb", in that case I'd set "user owner=ieb" and
"only user owner can read" on /_user/ieb/private

> Can webdav upload to
> /_user/ieb

Yes, because that doesn't require the "list child nodes" permission -
upload must only check for no conflicts with existing nodes (tricky?)

> but cant see all users at
> /_user/

because "list child nodes" is denied on /_user/

> only sees
> /_user/ieb

as above

> Also
> cant see all children of /_user with
> /.2.json

because "list child nodes" is denied on /_user/

Dreaming aloud hey?
I often find that's the best way to look for solutions...


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