Hi all,

Julian Reschke (of WebDAV and HTTP fame) and David Nuescheler (of JCR
fame) have proposed a new protocol for fine-grained HTTP-based
information exchange [1].

As can be seen from the description and from David's Slides [2] this is
an effort to standardize on an extension of the functionality we support
in Sling with the JSON renderer and the Sling POST Servlet (Sling is
currently missing support for PATCH).

Stay tuned ....

Looks like Sling could be one of the first implementations of such a
protocol ;-)


[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-dist-auth/2010JulSep/0008.html
[2] http://www.slideshare.net/uncled/jsop
  • JSOP Felix Meschberger

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