in the jQuery JCR explorer I iterate over the properties of a resource
making use of I.e.
var properties = 

I then try to "cast" the property to javax.jcr.Property,

var property = properties.get( id, Packages.javax.jcr.Property );

Now when I browse through /jcr:system/jcr:nodeTypes
(e.g./jcr:system/jcr:nodeTypes/nt:folder) the property
jcr:mixinTypes fails to cast. In these cases I fall back to the
string representation of the property. In case of
/jcr:system/jcr:nodeTypes/nt:folder I get something like:


BUT I would expect jcr:mixinTypes to be a multivalued Name property?
Hence it should cast properly to Property.

Also noticeable:
I have no problems with the jcr:supertypes property, which is also
 a multivalued Name property.

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