
On 01.10.2010 08:53, Ian Boston wrote:
> On 1 Oct 2010, at 07:31, Felix Meschberger wrote:
>>> WDYT?
>> Another point: Even though such filters don't have access to the full
>> SlingHttpServletRequest/Response functionality it should be noted, that
>> the request has already been authenticated and the ResourceResolver used
>> for request processing is available to the CONTAINER filters.
>> Regards
>> Felix
> Good point, 
> I guess its going to be hard to get the filter outside the handleSecuriy 
> without registering the filter with the web context, however that could 
> almost be arranged,
> unfortunately I think doing that would bind to the flavour of Http Service as 
> there is no registerFilter in standard OSGi (AFAIK).

Yes, because the handleSecurity is called before the SlingMainServlet is
called, kind of like a gate into the servlet.

Actually, I would go as far as say, this is a feture of the CONTAINER
filters, that the already act on an authenticated request (and might
have the ResourceResolver...)


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