Hi Olli,

Which of the two options below do you prefer?

1. The API from o.a.s.servlets.resolver.api bundle [0] gets moved to the 
o.a.s.scripting.api bundle, in the o.a.s.scripting.api.bundle package. That 
means that we’ll have the following import chains:


2. Alternatively, we can extract the API from [0] into a new scripting bundle - 
o.a.s.scripting.spi - in the o.a.s.scripting.spi.bundle package, with the 
following import chains:


Either way, we’d ask INFRA to either delete the repository from [0] (option 1 
above) or rename it (option 2 above) and the Servlets Resolver would depend on 
a Scripting API bundle (the one we already have or a new one).

[0] - 

> On 1 Feb 2021, at 22:01, Oliver Lietz <apa...@oliverlietz.de> wrote:
> On Monday, February 1, 2021 1:17:23 PM CET Karl Pauls wrote:
>> Hi,
> Hi,
>> we have a discussion going on at SLING-9999 that needs some resolving.
>> As far as I can see, there are the following proposals in the issue:
>> #1 move the o.a.s.servlets.resolver.bundle.tracker package to another
>> artifact #2 rename the package to something else
>> #3 split up the package to move the ResourceType class to sling api
>> As far as the positioning goes, I guess my summary would be:
>> On the one hand, to not have the scripting bundles depend on the
>> servlets.resolver (#1 above) and on the other hand (#2), would it be
>> better to have the package name include "scripting" (I’m not sure we
>> have to discuss #3 right now as that seems to be orthogonal)? Please
>> correct me if I'm missing something (we could work with optional
>> imports as well but that isn't the nicest way to handle dependencies).
>> One option to achieve #1 is to introduce a servlets.api bundle. I guess the
>> idea behind that one is that this way, the servlets.resolver doesn’t
>> require the scripting.api and the scripting doesn’t require the
>> servlets.resolver (just this new api bundle).
>> Another way to do it is to move the package to scripting.api. Which
>> solves it as well with the downside of having the servlets.resolver
>> require the scripting.api. Granted, if #2 is taken into account
>> (renaming the package to be the in scripting namespace) it makes
>> sense.
>> Ultimately, I guess the question for this list to get consensus on is:
>> Do we want the servlets.resolver to have a dependency on scripting.api
>> or do we rather introduce a new servlets.resolver.api bundle - with a
>> possible tie-breaking subquestion of do we think the bundle.tracker
>> api package should stay in the namespace it is in right now or should
>> it move to the scripting namespace?
>> Personally, I think the package namespace is a slightly better fit for
>> the servlets resolver rather than the scripting and consequently,
>> would go with the servlets.resolver.api bundle as a reasonable
>> compromise.
> #1 move the o.a.s.servlets.resolver.bundle.tracker package to another artifact
> Package o.a.s.servlets.resolver.bundle.tracker contains the new Bundle API 
> for 
> _Scripts_.
> The API is a new dependency for Scripting Core, Scripting HTL, Scripting JSP 
> and Servlets Resolver.
> To provide its full functionality Servlets Resolver requires the optional 
> dependency Scripting Core. Therefore it makes sense to move the package out 
> of 
> Servlets Resolver to not have a cyclic dependency.
> As Karl said optional imports are not a nice way to handle dependencies.
> #2 rename the package to something else
> See dependents (mostly scripting) above.
> The classes in the package reference or deal with Script(ing) and not 
> Servlets 
> Resolver, see [1].
> I see the API/SPI therefore in a "scripting" package (without tracker as it 
> is 
> an implementation detail) and matching bundle:
> a) o.a.s.scripting.api.bundle (bundle o.a.s.scripting.api)
> b) o.a.s.scripting.spi.bundle (new bundle o.a.s.scripting.spi)
> c) o.a.s.api.scripting.bundle (bundle o.a.s.api)
> d) o.a.s.spi.scripting.bundle (bundle o.a.s.api)
> #3 split up the package to move the ResourceType class to sling api
> ResourceType is generic and can be used in different contexts not related to 
> Scripting or Servlets Resolver.
> Therefore it makes sense to move it into package o.a.s.api.resource.type in 
> Sling API bundle.
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-9999? 
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-9999?>
> focusedCommentId=17275984&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-
> tabpanel#comment-17275984
> Regards,
> O.
>> regards,
>> Karl

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