Hi, I had the need to ignore bnd baselining for certain scenarios ( details at [1], not yet merged ) and checked to see if there was a better way of skipping baselining temporarily except for skipping the whole execution in the pom and reverting after a release.
I found in bnd baselining docs [2] a reference to the @BaselineIgnore annotation, which basically says "start checking this element in annotations after release X.Y.Z". I think this could be version-managed included in our parent pom by default, but wanted to check first if others think it's a good idea. Thanks, Robert [1]: https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-auth-core/pull/10/commits/daf40c2fe96293c9e6e54aed10e6736e7bb14c34 [2]: https://bnd.bndtools.org/chapters/180-baselining.html