
tl;dr - I propose we release Sling Starter 12 at the end of February.

Sling Starter 11 was released on October 23rd, 2018. We've accumulated
a lot of improvements, and with the DockerHub image being switched to
the main repository, I think we can start preparing the Starter 12

I propose that we reserve the next week for testing and discussions,
and potentially kick off the release process on the week of 21st of

Regarding the preparation, we should make sure the Starter is good
shape. If you know of a bug ( in the Starter or a module that is
included in the Starter ) please let me know so that we won't ship
annoying bugs. Non-annoying bugs may get a free pass :-) It would also
be useful to have some manual testing going on.

It is also important to communicate how we have improved, so if you
think an issue should be noted in the release notes please label it
with 'Sling-12-ReleaseNotes'. The current list can be viewed at [1].

We did not finish everything we planned for Sling 12 [2], but that's OK
IMO as we'll have lucky Sling 13.

In terms of the feature model migration [3], there a couple of issues
not yet handled:

1. Kickstart Launcher. I think it's OK to defer to Starter 13, as we
already have settled on the way to launch [4] and we can always extend
2. Archetype upgrades. These will come in after the Sling Starter 12 is
3. Documentation fixes. I think we can do this on an ongoing basis in
the following weeks.

So everyone - please give the Sling Starter a little attention and we
can discuss in the week of February the 21st a concrete timeline for
releasing it.



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