during release process of Sling 12 we discovered SLING-11189 [1] which happens 
only on certain windows environments, but is there a blocker as 
Sling-Initial-Content from bundles like composum (may affect other apps as 
well) are corrupted during extraction, actually breaking the application. the 
root cause is a race condition on sling startup where the content reader 
implementations are registered after the whiteboard for handling them is 
registered, and after the first bundles are actually processed.

to solve this we have multiple approaches, i want to do a quick vote on these 
options to unblock the release:

a) apply only PR #12 [2] which simply defines a mandatory dependency between 
the whiteboard and the 4 built-in readers via DS. the list of mandatory readers 
is hardcoded in the code.

b) apply only PR #13 [3] which introduces a new directive 
"requireImportProviders" allowing bundles to actually define which import 
providers they depend on, and if those are not there the importing of the 
initial content is delayed until they become available. if the directive is 
missing a default list is assumed which is configurable via OSGi (and defaults 
to the 4 built-in readers). the current implementation has the small drawback 
that it prints out some error messages in case the bundle processing is 
delayed, even if it's only for a few milliseconds due to sling startup.

c) combine PR #12 [2] and PR #13 [3] to avoid the error messages for the 
built-in readers.

d) look for other solutions, e.g. implementing a) "the other way around" by 
having the whiteboard register the reader implementations itself, which 
probably means moving away from DS for those reader service implementations.

z) take more time for discussing the options a)-d) and go with workaround from 
[4] for Sling 12 which fixes this issue via configuration only for Sling 
Starter, not in the content loader bundle itself.

please cast your votes on this options.


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-11189
[2] https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-jcr-contentloader/pull/12
[3] https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-jcr-contentloader/pull/13
[4] https://github.com/apache/sling-org-apache-sling-starter/pull/59

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