2011/8/12 Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@adobe.com>: > Technically +1 > > Looks interesting. I would assume the LDAP bind is currently anonymous ?
Well, no. The bind DN/password is configured per LdapResourceProvider instance. > This would probably benefit from the ResourceProviderFactory approach > which are called to create the ResourceProvider using the provided user > credentials ... You mean binding to the LDAP server with credentials supplied by the request? Interesting. I'll have a go at implementing it, and update you when I have something. > What frightens me a bit is the list of embedded dependencies. I always > thought the L in LDAP stands for light-weight ;-) You're right, half of them were unnecessary. I have cleaned up a bit. > Nit-picking on the code: I think the LdapResource should not copy all > methods from the Resource interface. Right. Cleaned that up. -- Vidar S. Ramdal <vidar.ram...@webstep.no> Webstep AS - http://www.webstep.no Besøksadresse: Lilleakerveien 8, 0283 Oslo Postadresse: Postboks 272 Lilleaker, 0216 Oslo