Hi Juerg,
It would help, if you can try testing the latest SNAPSHOT as outlined in 
 (there is a p2 update site at https://nightlies.apache.org/sling/eclipse/)
The upcoming version has lots of issues fixed (including compatibility with 
newer Eclipse versions): 

Let us know if you encounter issues not yet reported

> On 20. Jul 2023, at 14:05, JCR <j...@proxymit.net> wrote:
> On 18.07.23 16:06, JCR wrote:
>> Hello
>> I run Sling 12 docker oak-tar on an Ubuntu Server.
>> Connecting to it with Eclipse, I've seen the pretty weirdest thing ever. The 
>> Eclipse plugin 1.2.2, tested with  Eclipse versions 2020-03, 2021-03 and 
>> 2022-03 (on 2023-03, the plugin turned out to be not installable), both on 
>> Win11 and Ubuntu 22/04 clients, are far from working properly with the 
>> mentioned server instance.
>> Creating in Eclipse a folder and subsequently creating, say, a JSP and an 
>> HTL file, one seeming deletes the other upon saving it the Sling server.
>> For example, I have content.html and edit.jsp in the same folder. When 
>> saving content.html, then edit.jsp would disappear on the server. It takes 
>> an extra "Send to Sling Server..." cmd in Eclipse on edit.jsp in order to 
>> re-create it on the server.
>> No error reporting or any other indication of a problem is given... Hence, I 
>> frankly wonder what causes the problem.
>> Any hints or similar experiences out there?
>> Thanks,
>> Juerg
> Solved, but...
> After testing several Eclipse versions and, testwise, connecting even to a 
> Sling11 instance, all these settings resulted in the same erratic behaviour 
> described above. Hence, I finally decided to remove the entire project from 
> eclipse and rebuild it. That solved the problem.
> The cause for this is hard to identify as no error messages or the like were 
> given. But I must assume that it is a compatibility issue between Eclipse 
> 2023-03 and the Sling 1.2.2 plugin which was used to originally build the 
> project. The Sling plugin 1.2.2 has come into its years and compatibility 
> issues with Eclipse 2023-03 showed up at installation time already... So I 
> wonder who in the DEV community maintains the plugin, looks like it requires 
> an update urgently.
> Best,
> Juerg

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