Now I totally agree that this must come with nearly zero changes required for our users. That's why I only suggested solutions where this should be true.

Sling is based on servlet 2 - we are not even nicely fitting into the servlet 3 world. The java world is moving to servlet 5 and 6. Major open source frameworks have already switched to the jakarta namespace. So if we don't move, we make it very hard to integrate with the latest and greatest from other places. Similar, servlet engines supporting javax.servlet are either already or plan to go into maintenance.

And the other argument is perception. The more we use from the past, the less we fit into the latest and greatest and the more outdated we are perceived.


On 02.10.2023 14:27, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

On Sun, Oct 1, 2023 at 3:59 PM Carsten Ziegeler <> wrote:
..It seems the Java world around us is moving to Jakarta and if we want to
benefit from upcoming new features in that world, we eventually have to

The move looks like a lot of work, so I think we should be able to
list actual benefits before deciding to do it.

Especially if there's a cost to users of the Sling APIs - the overall
cost can be huge.

Do people know what exactly we might miss by not moving?

Are there areas where the current servlet APIs prevent Sling's progress ?

...Option 3: do nothing now and wait until this switch is actually becoming
a real problem...

That would be my preferred option right now, but answers to my above
questions might change that.


Carsten Ziegeler

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