Hi Sling community,

I want to share a recent experience I had with Sling Models, Sling Model
caching and Garbage Collection problems.

I had a case, where an AEM instance had massive garbage collection
problems, but no memory problems. We saw the regular sawtooth pattern in
the heap consumption, but heavy GC activity (in a stop-the-world manner)
almost constantly. But no OutOfMemory situation, there it's not a memory

I manually captured a heapdump and found a lot of Sling models being
referenced by the Sling ModelAdapterFactory cache, and rechecking these
model classes in detail I found them to specify "cache=true" in their
@Model annotation.When these statements were removed, the situation looks
completely different, and the garbage collection was normal again.

I don't have a full explanation for this behavior yet. The Sling Models had
a reference to a ResourceResolver (which was properly closed), but I assume
that this reference somehow "disabled" the cleaning of the cache on major
GCs (as its a WeakHashMap), but tied the collection of these models to the
collection of the ResourceResolver objects, which have finalizers
registered. And finalizers are only executed under memory pressure. Having
this connetion might have led to the situation that the SlingModel objects
were not disposed eagerly, but only alongside the finalizers in situation
of high memory pressure in a "stop-the-world" situation.

I try to get some more examples for that behavior; but I am not sure of the
caching of Sling Models as-is is something we should continue to use. This
case was quite hard to crack, and I don't know if/how we can avoid such a
situation by design.



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