On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 6:13 AM, Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@adobe.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Stipulated by the Servlet API specification saying, that FORM based 
> authentication should use request URLs ending with /j_security_check with 
> request parameters j_username and j_password, most of the Sling 
> Authentication Handlers involving some form of FORM based authentication (for 
> example the Form Based Authentication Handler or the OpenID Authentication 
> Handler), actually use this form of request URLs.
> Likewise these authentication handlers also generally require the POST 
> request method to be used.
> Sometimes, though an Authentication Handler might be misbehaving or by some 
> other fact of dynamic life a .../j_security_check POST request might not be 
> handled by the authentication system and fall through to some POST servlet, 
> e.g. the Sling POST Servlet. To prevent storing login data in the repository, 
> I implemented a workaround as of SLING-2120 [1].
> Yet, it still is a workaround.
> So I am contemplating the following change to the 
> SlingAuthenticator.handleSecurity method: If the method would return with 
> true (indicating regular request processing) but the request is POST to 
> .../j_security_check, then the request should actually fail with a 403.
> Advantage: No inadverted hanlding of this request in the Sling processing 
> pipeline
> Disadvantage: No POST request to any .../j_security_check URL will ever pass 
> through Sling's Authentication mechanism
> WDYT ?


But I'd suggest making this a configurable list of paths, defaulting
to /j_security_check


> Regards
> Felix
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-2120

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