Thanks everyone for voting and thanks Justin for reopening the taglib
issue (I was a little bit too fast....)

The vote to release:
Apache Sling Installer Core 3.3.2
Apache Sling Scripting API 2.1.4
Apache Sling Scripting Core 2.0.20
Apache Sling i18n 2.2.0
Apache Sling Scripting JSP 2.0.20
Apache Sling Scripting Java 2.0.2

passed succesfully with three binding +1 votes from Felix Meschberger,
Justin Edelson, and Carsten Ziegeler.
The release of the JSP taglib has been withdrawn due to -1 votes from
Felix Meschberger, Jeff Young, and Justin Edelson. We'll clarify the
issue and then cut a new releae of the taglib.

I'll continue with the release process

Thanks everyone

Carsten Ziegeler

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