Recently there have been some concerns raised about using selectors to
direct a request between servlets when handling a POST request. Strictly
speaking, a selector in the URI should be a way of indicating the way that
the response should be rendered, not how the request should be handled.

That said, I think there is a significant need to be able to "select"
amongst multiple POST servlets for a particular resource. Thus, I propose
that we allow for the selector to be passed via a request parameter.

I've posted an initial patch here:

This needs a bit of more refactoring, but I wanted to start the discussion
before I got much further along these lines.



P.S. This is IMHO a separate discussion from the (very valid) notion of
making the default POST servlet more flexible. The programming model of
custom servlets is a key concept for Sling and I see no reason to cast it
aside at this point. In other words, I am very wary of turning the default
POST servlet into the *one* POST servlet to rule them all.

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