Hi all, I'm about to switch to form based authentication for some of my sites.
I deployed the org.apache.sling.auth.form bundle in version 1.0.2 as I believe that later versions are not compatible with CRX 2.2.
After some config, the login form pops up and sends the two required fields j_username and j_password. Unfortunately, the request gets never approved. Instead, the error.log says the following:
... org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator handleLoginFailure: Unable to authenticate jurg: null
Most likely, this is generated by SlingAuthenticator.handleLoginFailure(): } else if (reason instanceof LoginException) { // request authentication information and send 403 (Forbidden) // if no handler can request authentication information. log.info("handleLoginFailure: Unable to authenticate {}: {}", user, reason.getMessage()); This now raises the following questions: - using basic authentication, login with the same credentials works fine. So what's keeping form based authenticator from verifying the credentials properly? - what causes the reason to be empty? Thanks for any hint, Juerg