
I've added some comments to the issue about the current api :) I think we
should not relying on log messages as the communication between a HC and
the result. The HC should create a proper result object, and the status
should be a field in that object.

I think a boolean value (failed/ok) might bot be sufficient, so I think an
enum with more values inbetween (like Jörg's API has) is better.

For the range stuff, I think we don't need this.

If we make the Result a class with setter methods, we can later on add
additional stuff if required without breaking anything.


2013/8/9 Bertrand Delacretaz <bdelacre...@apache.org>

> Hi,
> Following up on SLING-2987 I'm wondering about the best way to
> represent the results of health checks.
> Right now the health check Result just provides a boolean isOk()
> method, along with a getStatus() that's similar to a log level (ok,
> warn, error etc.).
> I haven't been using the status so far, so for now it's just a
> pass/fail (along with a mini-log that provides unstructured details).
> Another model that might be more useful (or YAGNI...hence this
> question) would be:
>   public interface ResultThatHasAValue {
>     // The output value of this health check
>     public object getValue();
>     // The acceptable range of our value
>     public String getRange();
>     // True if our value is in range
>     public boolean isInRange();
>    // + logs as now
> }
> The advantage of this value-based result is that it can also be used
> to aggregate values that might be analyzed in a finer way by external
> JMX tools (as the healthcheck results are now available via JMX).
> The range can be a simple mini-language with ranges like "true",
> "between 12 and 41", "> 16", "some.*Regexp", etc.
> WDYT, does anyone have a concrete use case for ResultThatHasAValue?
> Otherwise I'll stick with the current pass/fail (+logs) results.
> Note that the docs at [1] are out of date now, but if you want to play
> with the health check just build and install the two bundles found
> under contrib/extensions/healthcheck and open
> /system/console/healthcheck
> -Bertrand
> [1]
> http://sling.apache.org/documentation/bundles/sling-health-check-tool.html

Carsten Ziegeler

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