Hi Dishara,
To make the Cassandra Resource Provider really useful I think we need
to add access control. I think the best way of doing this is to borrow
some concepts from Jackrabbit access control.

Take a deep breath, and you will see why I left this till last.

I think we should provide path base access control, which inherits
from parent resources in the path. At every level there is a an
ordered list of access control entries each access control entry (ACE)
being either an allow entry or a deny entry. What is allowed or denied
is defined in a 32bit bitmap with each bit representing 1 permission,
so we can have upto 32 permissions. Each ACE specifies a single
principal. So an ACL consists of a ordered list of ACE's each one
bound to a principal.

A user has a set of principals, so to resolve the ACL at any one path
for a user the global ACL is filtered to contain only the ACE's with
principals that the user has.

Computing a final access control bitmap for a user at a location
requires ordered processing of all the ACEs relevant to the user at
the current path and then all ancestors.

The pseudo algorithm to calculate the a grant bitmap and a deny bitmap
at any level is:

function getCurrentLevelBitmaps(currentPath):
      int grants = 0;
      int denies = 0;
      for all ACEs in the ACL at the currentPath:
            if the user has the principal of the current ACE:
                  int toGrant = 0;
                  int toDeny = 0;
                  if the ACE is a grant:
                        toGrant = the ACE bitmap;
                        toDeny = the ACE bitmap;
                  toGrant = toGrant & ~denies;
                  toDeny = toDeny & ~grants;
                  grants = grants | toGrant;
                  denied = denies | toDenies;
      return (grants, denies);

To combine what is granted at the child level with what is granted at
a parent level we need to mask the parent level with the deny at the
child level.

         toGrant = grantedAtParent & ~denies;
         toDeny = deniedAtParent & ~grants;
         grants = grants | toGrant;
         denied = denies | toDenies;

The simplest way of achieving this is to use recursion again in pseudo code:

   function buildAtLevel():
            if not root level:
                 (grantedAtParent, deniedAtParent) =
            (grants, denies) = getCurrentLevelBitmaps(currentLevel);
            toGrant = grantedAtParent & ~denies;
           toDeny = deniedAtParent & ~grants;
           grants = grants | toGrant;
           denied = denies | toDenies;
           return (grants, denied);

There are some optimisations you can apply here, and there are plenty
of opportunities to cache intermediate bitmaps in memory. Just caching
the ACL reduces resolution to bitwise operations.

Initially keep it simple.

read = 0x01
write = 0x02
delete = 0x04

Storage of ACLs.
I suggest you store ACLs in their own Column Family, where the rowID is
base64(sha1(path)) or whatever path -> rowid encoding you have currently.

IIRC Cassandra columns come out in the natural order of Strings
<order>_<principal>_<allow|deny> and the value is the bitmap of permissions.

Where <order> is 000 to 999 ( I really doubt that a single ACL will
have 1000 ACEs ever)

Once you have this working, we can wire it into the ResourceProvider
or another Sling API.

Does that make sense ?

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