Hi Justin

Am 20.12.2013 um 13:55 schrieb Justin Edelson <jus...@justinedelson.com>:

> Hi Felix,
> On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 5:32 AM, Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@adobe.com> wrote:
>> Hi Justin
>> Wow ! I really like this !
>> Still, as always, I have some comments:
>> * I share Dan's concerns with respect to the @Inject annotation: Isn't that 
>> too generic ? (Yes, I am the strongly typed guy, so I love to know things 
>> upfront in a  fail early style)
> I'd love to better understand this. What is a use case in which you
> would need to explicitly state that an injected field should be
> sourced from a particular Injector?
> Even if there was, I'd prefer to do that as a separate annotation, i.e.
> @Inject @Source("osgi-service")
> private Something something;
> Keep in mind that in my worldview, 80% of cases will be handled by
> *just* @Model and @Inject.

I am fine with and if it not too much magic to cope with ;-)

>> * I see support for interfaces is implemented as proxies which are loaded 
>> through the interface type's class loader. But the InvocationHandler is 
>> created for each invocation of adaptTo. Would it make sense to cache the 
>> generated proxy classes and just create new instances of them on each 
>> invocation ? (well this maybe already falls into the optimization category)
> Perhaps, but this is definitely premature optimization :)
>> * I assum the value to @Filter is supposed to be a valid OSGi Filter 
>> argument. Should thus the respective sample in the wiki be fixed by having 
>> the string value be surrounded by parentheses ? Also, the existence of the 
>> @Filter annotation would stipulate the respective @Incject annotation to 
>> only be considered by the service injector.
> Filter example has been fixed. I'm not sure that there's a need to
> restrict the @Filter annotation to one particular Injector.
>> * I would think the api bundle and package should rather be called 
>> annotations, right ?
>> * The annotations are currently RUNTIME scoped and the packaged classes are 
>> eagerly loaded on bundle start time (you might want to leverage the 
>> BundleTracker for easier tracking of bundles). This sounds like a 
>> performance problem. How about doing it like Declarative Services and 
>> tooling generate a descriptor which will be loaded on bundle startup and the 
>> respective classes loaded on-demand ? (OTOH this runtime analysis copes 
>> better with Java extensions)
> And another Maven plugin and then an Ant task and an Eclipse plugin
> and an IntelliJ plugin... I really think runtime is the right
> approach.
> The better solution IMHO would to implement the wildcard adapter
> support we discussed when Dan introduced dynamic proxies. The
> YamfAdapterFactory could figure out that this was enabled and skip the
> whole bundle scanning bit. But since one of the design goals was to
> work with existing Sling bundles, I didn't deal with this now.
> I was also trying to use Scannotation to scan the class files instead
> of doing class loading. Ran into trouble, but will come back to this.
>> * YAMF model classes must be exported for them to be usable in code. Maybe 
>> that is just how this kind of thing works but we should be aware of that and 
>> that exporting these classes in fact defines API. This would fall into the 
>> Model class requirements category: Must be exported and is considered API, 
>> classes must have public default constructore, etc.
> Actually, this isn't the case - YAMF model classes do not need to be
> exported *to be used by YAMF*. They do need to be exported to be
> referenced in JSPs or other bundles, but that's just normal stuff.
> YAMF itself doesn't put any requirements on the visibility of
> packages.

That's what I wanted to express, actually.


> Justin
>> Thanks
>> Felix
>> Am 19.12.2013 um 18:07 schrieb Justin Edelson <jus...@justinedelson.com>:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've published a page to the wiki about a concept I've been working on
>>> to consolidate the various appproaches I have seen in the wild to
>>> model object creation. I'm calling this YAMF for now, although ideally
>>> we'll just call it Sling Models :)
>>> Without repeating the whole contents of the wiki page, at a high
>>> level, this is a purely annotation driven approach supporting both
>>> classes and interfaces. Your model class simply needs to declare from
>>> which other classes it can be adapted:
>>> @Model(adaptables=Resource.class)
>>> And then annotate the fields (for classes) and methods (for
>>> interfaces) which need injection:
>>> @Inject
>>> private String propertyName;
>>> You can inject properties, OSGi services, request attributes, and
>>> entries from SlingBindings.
>>> New injector types can be created through an SPI.
>>> Additional annotations are supported for special cases:
>>> @Optional - mark a field/method as optional.
>>> @Filter - provide a filter (i.e. for OSGi services)
>>> @Named - specify a name (other than the default field/method name) to
>>> use for the inejction lookup.
>>> More detail can be found here:
>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SLING/YAMF+-+Yet+Another+Model+Factory
>>> The working code is up in my whiteboard:
>>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/whiteboard/justin/yamf/
>>> Look forward to your feedback.
>>> Regards,
>>> Justin

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