Hi all,

On 3 April 2014 17:14, David Bosschaert <david.bosscha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3 April 2014 16:15, Bertrand Delacretaz <bdelacre...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Note that you might find some quite old stuff under /samples, if you
>> have suggestions for things that should be archived or at least marked
>> obsolete let's hear them!
> I'm planning to take a closer look at their semantics soon - will
> share my thoughts :)

I had a closer look at the demos. Many of the demos weren't really
broken, but the steps to use them were often wrong (which made you
feel it was broken) or missing. I updated the documentation for the
following demos:
* accessmanager-ui
* espblog
* javashell
* path-based-rtp
* slingbucks
* slingshot
* usermanager-ui
* webloader (service and ui)
the patch is in SLING-3489. I think they above demos are definitely useful :)

The JavaShell demo had two deps that were broken, a fix is attached
here: SLING-3493.

I wasn't too sure about the following demos
* simple-demo, I personally find this demo confusing and not 'simple' at all.
* framework-fragment - this demo is broken, but it seems to show how
to expand the OSGi Framework system packages. Seems to me that the
Sling project is the wrong place for a demo like this (and in
addition, you generally don't want to advocate this feature anyway).
* installing-dependencies, a maven-based demo, is this still relevant?
When would you use this setup?
Maybe remove these three?

I wasn't sure whether the following demos worked, at least I didn't
figure out how to make them change the login form...
* custom-login-form
* custom-selector-login-form
if someone can tell me how to make them do something, let me know and
I can update their docs...

The post-servlet-ext demo does seem to work, but requires development
on the user side before you can actually see what it does. (The user
needs to create a page that does a post with :operation=link to see
I would suggest to add some more content to this demo so that you can
actually see what it does.

There are also a number of demos that aren't listed as submodules of
the 'samples' pom, so they have less visibility. I would suggest to
either remove them or make them submodules:
* inplace-integration-tests: this one is broken, but seems useful. I
think we should fix it and include as submodule in parent pom.
* mail-archive: this is the beginning of a more comprehensive example.
It seems nice but is unfortunately unfinished and doesn't seem to
currently work. Should we keep it?
* urlfilter: an example of using Servlet Filters with Sling. There is
no documentation, but it might be useful to keep (and add some docs :)
* workspacepicker: another Servlet Filter demo, this time using OSGi
Services (whereas the urlfilter uses @SlingFilter). Again: without
docs. Should we keep this?

Thoughts, anyone?


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