Thanks Carsten,
some words about myself:
I live in Munich and I am involved with Apache Jackrabbit and Apache Sling 
since 2009. I work at Netcentric ( 
In Apache Sling I contributed some patches to Sling Models in the past. 
Currently I am focussing my work on Sling Validation and want to come up with 
some patches for that in the near future.
I feel honoured that I was invited to become Apache Sling Committer and I am 
really looking forward to work together with you guys.


I work at Netcentric ( <>)

> On 12 Nov 2014, at 15:01, Carsten Ziegeler <> wrote:
> Hi
> it's my pleasure to announce that the Apache Sling PMC has invited
> Konrad Windszus and Julian Sedding as new Sling committers...and I'm
> very happy that both accepted.
> Please join me in welcoming Konrad and Julian.
> @Konrad, @Julian you might wanna introduce yourself
> Regards
> Carsten
> -- 
> Carsten Ziegeler
> Adobe Research Switzerland

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