On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 11:23 AM, Carsten Ziegeler <cziege...@apache.org> wrote:
> ...The query api is the user api, right this can be moved into a different
> bundle. But of course the interesting part is the implementation and
> this is part of the new provider spi which references this api. A
> provider does the query and therefore needs access to the query object etc....

Would it work with a more abstract version of the query API in our
main API bundle?

Conceptually at that level you only need to know that there are Query
objects that can provide resources, maybe something like

public interface Query {
  PagingIterator<Resource> execute();

Do we need more than this (or the translated equivalent based on your
query API) in the API bundle?

The details of how a Query is built can then go to a separate, more
concrete, bundle.


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