>Well, it is just a text file, so txt sounds right. It also means that
>a text editor is always associated with it in desktop environments +
>IDEs, which is a plus.

it required some very special escaping rules esp. in the [configurations] 
sections (felix config file format conventions, e.g. you have to escape blanks 
and "=" characters inside string values, although they are already quoted.
so every tooling has to exactly know if it is a text file or not.
other files like *.json, *.yaml, *.config etc. have special extensions as well, 
and it's easy to configure your editor to treat them as text.

>Would adding a some metadata to the file in the form of comments work?

not really, i wanted to avoid to have to parse the file. and i have one 
scenario i want to set up a template engine with a specific set of escaping 
rules matching the file type, and i have only the file extension because the 
content is not generated yet.

ok, it's always possible to solve this on this way or the other in the tooling 
if no one other sees a need we can drop the proposal - but it may become 
problematic if the format gains more popularity and wider use e.g. in devops 


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