
(sorry for the long email, I'm unable to condense the problem description more)

After my changes for SLING-4556 [1] the Jackrabbit-based launchpad no
longer starts the repository. Those changes have been reverted but I'd
like to bring them back in a way that works for both Jackrabbit and
Jackrabbit Oak .

My understanding of what happens is:

1. org.apache.sling.jcr.jackrabbit.server.impl.Activator [2] creates a
default config for the
org.apache.sling.jcr.jackrabbit.server.SlingServerRepository component
if none is available
2. That component [3] requires a ConfigurationPolicy so once it's
available the repository is started
3. With my changes the configuration is not detected ( by the SCR
Runtime ? ) when created so the repository is not started. It's not
present in the web console either ( Status -> Configurations )
However, using the ConfigAdmin Java API to list the matching
configurations finds that config.
4. The failure occurs on a fresh install only. When restarting the
Sling instance, a second configuration is created and the repository
is started.

I have tried

- moving the default config creation to a SCR component
- delaying the config creation until after the bundle is started
- moving the default configuration to the provisioning model instead
but there is some logic in the code that I can't emulate ( creation of
a directory for jackrabbit )

but none of this worked. I _could_ try creating another bundle which
controls the config creation and start at a later start level, but I
really don't like it as it works around an issue I don't fully

Any help in understanding what goes on would be appreciated.



[1]: https://svn.apache.org/r1693392

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