I just ran into the problem that the package version of 
org/apache/jackrabbit/oak/plugins/observation changed from 1.0 (in Oak prior 
1.3) to 2.0  (since Oak 1.3).
This is a major version change not compatible with any version ranges being 
generated by the maven-bundle-plugin.

Due to this fact the dependency to Oak Core was raised to 1.3 in the JCR 
Resource bundle (in https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-4820 
This leads to the fact, that now the JCR Resource bundle is no longer 
compatible with older versions of Oak (at least the OakResourceListener isn’t)
Since Oak 1.2 is considered the stable release branch it would be beneficial if 
Sling could support this version.

What is the policy of supporting Oak 1.2 in Sling?
Thanks for your input,

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