Hi Team,

Per current setup all Metrics MBeans are registered under
"org.apache.sling" domain. Even metrics registered by non Sling bundle
which can lead to confusion.

So we would need to come up with a way to make JMX domain name a
function of bundle which is registering the metric. For that I was
thinking of following approach

1. Expose the MetricService as a ServiceFactory

2. Have an OSGi config which provides a mapping between
    Bundle-SymbolicName and JMX Domain name to use. It
    would be a regex expression. The metric though MUST be
    unique across all metrics (irrespective of which bundle was used)

    com.foo = com.foo.*

Where 'com.foo' is the JMX domain name used for all bundle having
there Bundle-Symbolicname confirming to pattern 'com.foo.*'

Thoughts and suggestion welcome!

Chetan Mehrotra

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