
I think we should deprecate the jcr resource API completely, most of it
is already deprecated. Deprecating will allow us to get rid of it in the
future and reduce the parts we have to maintain.

Most of that API is very old and was created in a time where we didn't
have CRUD support for resources. Now that we have this for some time,
there shouldn't be a need for any of this API. And if so, jackrabbit
would be a much better place.

Right now, we still have not deprecated:
JcrResourceUtil#query - Resource Resolver should be used instead.
JcrResourceUtil#toJavaObject - Value Map should be used instead.
JcrResourceUtil#createValue - Modifiable Value Map should be used instead.
JcrResourceUtil#setProperty - Modifiable Value Map should be used instead.
JcrResourceUtil#createPath - ResourceUtil#getOrCreateResource should be
used instead

This leaves us with some constants in JcrResourceConstants. Although I
would love to get rid of them to not have any API at all in the jcr
resource bundle, some of them are really related to the jcr resource

If no one objects, I'll deprecated JcrResourceUtil completely.

Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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