
I applied Andrei's patch in


On Tue, 3 May 2016 at 11:52 Andrei Dulvac <anonym...@apache.org> wrote:

> Clone URL (Committers only):
> https://cms.apache.org/redirect?new=anonymous;action=diff;uri=http://sling.apache.org/documentation%2Ftutorials-how-tos%2Ftesting-sling-based-applications.mdtext
> Andrei Dulvac
> Index:
> trunk/content/documentation/tutorials-how-tos/testing-sling-based-applications.mdtext
> ===================================================================
> ---
> trunk/content/documentation/tutorials-how-tos/testing-sling-based-applications.mdtext
>      (revision 1711830)
> +++
> trunk/content/documentation/tutorials-how-tos/testing-sling-based-applications.mdtext
>      (working copy)
> @@ -60,17 +60,54 @@
>  running JUnit tests on an live Sling instance, as part of the normal
> integration testing cycle.
>  ## HTTP-based integration tests
> +The [Sling HTTP Testing Rules](
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/trunk/testing/junit/rules) allow
> writing integration tests easily. They are primarily meant to be used for
> tests that use http against
> +a Sling instance and make use of the [org.apache.sling.testing.clients](
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/trunk/testing/http/clients) which
> offer a simple, immutable and extendable way of working
> +with specialized testing clients.
> -The highest level of integration is testing a complete Sling instance via
> its HTTP interface.
> +The JUnit rules incorporate boiler-plate logic that is shared in tests
> and take the modern approach of using rules rather than
> +inheritance. The `SlingRule` (for methods) or `SlingClassRule` (for test
> classes) are base rules, chaining other rules like `TestTimeoutRule`,
> +`TestDescriptionRule`, `FilterRule`. The `SlingInstanceRule` extends that
> and starts a Sling instance if needed and also allows
> +instantiating a `SlingClient` pointing to the instance and automatically
> configure the base url, credentials, etc.
> +
> -We use this technique to test Sling itself: the
> [launchpad/integration-tests](
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/trunk/launchpad/integration-tests)
> module defines the tests (462 of them as I write this), and the
> [launchpad/testing](
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/trunk/launchpad/testing) module
> executes them, after setting up a Sling instance from scratch (which is
> quite easy as Sling is just a runnable jar).
> +### <a name="starting"></a> Starting an Integration Test
> +Starting an integration is very simple out of the box, but is very
> extendable, both by combining or configuring the junit rules and by
> +using the versatile `SlingClient` (which can be extended or adapted by
> calling `adaptTo(MyClient.class)` without losing the client
> +configuration)
> -A simple mechanism (described in README files in these modules) allows
> individual tests to be executed quickly against a previously started Sling
> instance, to be able to write and debug tests efficiently.
> +The [README](
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/trunk/testing/junit/rules/README.md)
> provides more detail, as do [the tests](
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/trunk/testing/junit/rules/src/test/java
> ).
> +The [Sling HTTP Testing Clients](
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/trunk/testing/http/clients)
> provide simple explanations, and unit tests.
> -The test code could be made simpler using the fluent HTTP interfaces
> defined in the Sling testing tools described above, but the launchpad tests
> were written before that module was created, and as they're stable there's
> no reason to rewrite them. If you're planning on using this technique for
> your own applications, we recommend looking at the Sling testing tools
> instead of these "legacy" tests - but the basic technique is the same.
> +#### Maven Dependency
> +    #!xml
> +    <dependency>
> +        <groupId>org.apache.sling</groupId>
> +        <artifactId>org.apache.sling.testing.rules</artifactId>
> +        <version>0.1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
> +    </dependency>
> -One problem with these launchpad tests is that the tests of all Sling
> modules are defined in a single testing module, they are not co-located
> with the code that they test. This could be improved by providing the tests
> in bundles that can be created from the same Maven modules that the code
> that they test.
> +#### Simple Example using SlingInstanceRule
> +
> +    #!java
> +    public class MySimpleIT {
> +
> +        @ClassRule
> +        public static SlingInstanceRule instanceRule = new
> SlingInstanceRule();
> +
> +        @Rule
> +        public SlingRule methodRule = new SlingRule(); // will configure
> test timeout, description, etc.
> +
> +        @Test
> +        public void testCreateNode() {
> +           SlingClient client = instanceRule.getAdminClient();
> +           client.createNode("/content/myNode", "nt:unstructured");
> +           Assert.assertTrue("Node should be there",
> client.exists("/content/myNode"));
> +
>  //client.adaptTo(OsgiConsoleClient.class).editConfigurationWithWait(10,
> "MYPID", null, myMap);
> +        }
> +    }
> +
> +
>  ## Summary
>  Combining the above testing techniques has worked well for us in creating
> and testing Sling. Being able to test things at different levels of
> integration has proved an efficient way to get good test coverage without
> having to write too much boring test code.

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