
I'm not sure if options 2 + 4 work together without changing the API yet
one more time when / if we decide to also support regex (albeit just a
minor increase). I have nothing against supporting them from the beginning
- unfortunately we don't have a clear separation between API and
implementation here and the API has to anyways state what it supports.

This means that a ResourceChangeListener will support the following ways
for defining a matcher:

1. explicit paths, absolute or relative to search paths
2. '.' , for the cases when the listener is interested in all changes under
the search paths
3. limited glob pattern matching ('*', '**'), by prefixing the pattern with
4. regex matching, by prefixing the pattern with 'regex:'

Did I miss something?


On Wed, 20 Jul 2016 at 07:09 Carsten Ziegeler <cziege...@apache.org> wrote:

> > what about option 2 + 4 together (but only implementiong 'glob'
> currently)?
> >
> > then it would be:
> > - easy to detect if the user wishs to use a pattern instead of a fixed
> path by looking for a prefix (currently this is done by magically looking
> for special characters)
> > - possible to add regex or other pattern support later without breaking
> compatibility
> > - gives us a quick start with only supporting glob currently
> >
> Sounds good to me
> Carsten
> --
> Carsten Ziegeler
> Adobe Research Switzerland
> cziege...@apache.org

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