Properties should not be merged, as that will produce undesirable side
effects, however some things need to be merged.

Having attempted to write documentation I found it easiest to describe in
terms of json documents.
Using the examples in

given 2 configs from different locations

Location A

        "socialmedia" : {
            "youtube" : {
                "enabled" : false,
                "url" : "https://youtube.com";
            "facebook" : {
                "enabled" : false,
                "apiusage" : false,
                "url" : "https://youtube.com";

Location B

        "socialmedia" : {
            "facebook" : {
                "enabled" : true,
                "url" : "https://facebook.com";

The result of A then B should be

        "socialmedia" : {
            "youtube" : {
                "enabled" : false,
                "url" : "https://youtube.com";
            "facebook" : {
                "enabled" : true,
                "url" : "https://facebook.com";

ie Objects are merged but properties are not. socialmedia.facebook from A
does not add @apiusage to the result, as socialmedia.facebook form B
overwrites socialmedia.facebook from A.

That will allow a deployer to completely replace a configuration "object"
without having to get their head around more complex inheritance rules.
This does assume that configurations are collected together into "objects".
I think its is important to keep it simple.
If this isnt simple enough then it needs some more thought.

Best Regards

On 29 July 2016 at 15:11, Carsten Ziegeler <cziege...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> looking at various documentations on the different approaches and the
> implementations, there seem to be totally different opinions about if
> merging of resources (and therefore resources) should be done.
> For this topic, let's not discuss names or how the resolving really
> should work, let's focus on one topic: merging.
> Let's assume you have a global config at:
> /config/global/foo - with properties @a, @b
> and a content aware one at:
> /config/mysite/foo - with properties @b, @c
> A content resource now sets /config/mysite as its context. If you get
> the "foo" configuration, do we merge the properties and the result will
> have @a, @b, and @c? Or is it just @b and @c?
> I personally think we should *not* support any merging because as soon
> as you support merging you will need additional ways of not merging
> properties etc etc. I think a configuration should be the full set of
> properties. The confmgr implementation works exactly this way as well.
> Regards
> Carsten
> --
> Carsten Ziegeler
> Adobe Research Switzerland
> cziege...@apache.org

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