Hi everyone,

Thank you all for electing me into this role and for the warm welcome, I am

I live in Switzerland and I have worked for Adobe since six years, mainly
on AEM/Sling and services deploying this stack. You may find more details
in my Linkedin profile [0].

I am looking forward to contribute more to Sling content distribution and
to the project overall!



[0] https://ch.linkedin.com/in/timothée-maret-3b3a754

2016-08-02 10:55 GMT+02:00 Antonio Sanso <asa...@adobe.com>:

> Hi *,
> Please welcome Timothee Maret as a new committer of the Apache Sling
> project.
> The Apache Sling PMC recently decided to offer Timothee committership
> based on his contributions.
> I'm happy to announce that he accepted the offer.
> Welcome to the team, Timothee!
> @Timothee if you want to honor the old tradition of new committers
> briefly introducing themselves to the list, feel free.
> regards
> antonio

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