What is the process in Sling for making significant changes to a bundle ?
By significant, I mean anything that isn't a simple bug fix or 3 line

I am asking because I have some patches to bundles/engine and
bundles/servlet/post. They have no impact (I hope) to the normal operation
of either bundles, however since these bundles are core, I feel I should
probably should not just do a CTR, as there have been no comments on
SLING-5948... or is that Ok?

I have not made any API changes (no package version numbers have been
changed), but I have updated the parent pom of bundles/servlet/post
 (26->27) so it uses Servlet 3 to get access to the Part interface. The
changes that I have require to a request to explicitly trigger for the code
to be exercised. The patches are still WIP.

Once committed, what should happen ?
Should the bundles be released or should the changes sit there till someone
else decides to release ?

There is no urgency I know of to releasing these bundles. SLING-5948
scratches an itch.

I've not seen discussion of this subject on this list (for many years),
hence the question.
Best Regards

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