On Wed, 2016-09-28 at 21:28 +0000, Stefan Seifert wrote:
> discussed at the Sling Committer Round Table @ adaptTo() 2016
> sling provides a couple of maven plugins, but does not provide a
> detailed documentation about their goals and properties at [1].
> such a documentation can be generated easily by using the maven site
> for the plugin project. the only question is: how should it be
> published and integrated in the maven site?
> it would be sufficient to link to it from the maven site, it does not
> necessarily have to be "fully integrated" in the layout of the sling
> docs pages.
> the documentation for the different releases of maven plugins should
> be available in parallel.
> one option would be to generate the site and include it in the sling
> site svn. this is not very elegant and will bloat the site svn, and
> it is bad practice to check in generated markup, but it would work.
> but it is a manually step one to execute on each release of a maven
> plugin.

I think that we can also deploy generated sites to Nexus, but I am not
sure if we can link to repository.apache.org from public pages or
whether it's OK to publish the sites on Maven central and serve them
from there.



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