On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 9:26 AM Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@adobe.com>

> Hi Justin
> Thanks for the clarification
> Am 14.12.2016 um 15:14 schrieb Justin Edelson <jus...@justinedelson.com
> <mailto:jus...@justinedelson.com>>:
> Hi Felix,
> On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 8:46 AM Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@adobe.com
> <mailto:fmesc...@adobe.com>>
> wrote:
> Hi all
> Can we have the discussion on the list instead of the issue ? This makes
> it a tad easier to follow and discuss.
> My concern was:
> Justin Edelson I share Alexander Klimetschek's concerns (and sorry for
> being late to the party as well). Somehow this really smells very badly.
> It's like exposing some implementation and machine details. It ties clients
> into explicit implementations. Basically I allows for close coupling of
> clients with post processor implementations. It think this is wrong.
> Maybe I don't understand the use case fully (I just read the proposed
> implementation). What problem does this solution try to solve ?
> Justin replied:
> Felix Meschberger the use case is laid out in the issue description – a
> POST request may depend upon the presence of one or more post processors.
> Actually, the issue description essentially justs says: I want to
> implement a new parameter to list required plugins. This describes the
> solution not the problem.
> Sorry, I meant the issue *summary* (not description)... "Provide a way for
> a POST request to assert a set of required SlingPostProcessors“
> Hmm, my concern still holds: This is not a use case but an implementation
> prescription ;-)
> Put in more generic terms, a client should be able to assert some set of
> preconditions that the server must be able to meet before handling the
> request. I was initially only concerned about expressing this precondition
> in terms of the availability of a set of SlingPostProcessors, but I can see
> the value in expressing this in a more generic term (capabilities,
> features, whatever).
> Hmm, I think we are starting to tightly couple client to server (am I
> repeating myself ?). As a client it is *not* my concern that the server is
> properly setup and configured. What you are proposing, though, is that the
> client can explicitly request for proper configuration.

I'm still not seeing how this is any different than, for example, the
Accept header. If a client makes an HTTP request with "Accept: text/plain"
and the server can't service the request with a text/plain response, it
returns an error. The client is expressing some precondition and the server
is responding to it. *How* the server is configured to do this is not the
concern of the client, but *that* it is configured to do this absolutely is
the client's concern.

> As such I have the impression we are also violating the separation of
> concern principle here.
> Alex brings up the use case of encryption:
> What if the sling post servlet understands the @suffix (in this case
> @Encrypted) and detects if no post processor has handled it?
> That sounds like a good use case. And also I like the solution much
> better. Because it is inline with what already do for typing values with
> @TypeHint, and other features.
> Justin contends:
> I'm trying to solve this problem in a generic way that can be reused
> across multiple PostProcessors
> I ask: YAGNI ?
> Audit is the other case that comes to mind. It is not uncommon in my
> experience to use SlingPostProcessors to store audit history. In this case,
> there is no @suffix used -- the SlingPostProcessor simply does some
> additional record keeping (potentially in an external system). In these
> cases, you may need to block POST requests requiring audit if the
> AuditPostProcessor wasn't available.
> Hmm, audit ? Why is this a concern to me as a client ? I cannot audit the
> server in the least way. Why should I be able to request this for the Sling
> POST Servlet ? Particularly if there are litteraly 10s and 100s of other
> POST request handlers in the same system not even supporting auditing ?

Because the client may need to require that certain requests fail when
audit is not happening. Again, the nature of that audit is not the client's
concern, but it is a concern that it is happening.

> Granted: I am not against auditing. I am very much in favor of properly
> doing it. But again, this is a server concern and at best a contractual
> concern between the client and the server. But it is not an API concern.
> This works currently because we assume that the server is correctly
> configured at all times. But that is not always the case and, in both the
> encryption and audit cases, there needs to be some way of failing requests
> if the preconditions aren't met.
> Going into the future of immutable servers, we can all the more be certain
> to have that.

We shall see... Personally, I'm less confident about our immutable server
future :)


> If functions are important to be had and this is a concern to the server,
> then server should have a means of defining that the setup is properly
> done. Maybe we need a validation function to define „the server is properly
> setup and everything administratively expected is in place“.

But this IMHO cannot be a the task of an HTML programmer configuring an
> HTML form to setup.
> Regards
> Felix

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