Hi Andy,

On Wed, 2017-05-10 at 15:58 -0700, Andreas Schaefer Sr. wrote:
> Hi Robert
> A client for the IntelliJ plugin asked why he cannot edit a
> _rep_policy.xml file and deploy it. Debugging the issue
> I see a Constraint Violation because rep:policy is protected. I
> tested this will Eclipse and it does work their
> either.

Yes, it's not implemented at the moment. Top of my head, ACLs, user and
group definitions do not work. The entries may not be changed through
the regular Session/Node API of the interface but need to be handled
through special interfaces:

- https://wiki.apache.org/jackrabbit/AccessControl
- https://wiki.apache.org/jackrabbit/UserManagement

> I assume that for rep:policy changes the user needs to deploy it as
> package rather than pushing it through
> the Remote Repository Manager. Is that correct? If not how can I make
> it work?

The Sling commands need to be enhanced to handle users, groups and ACLs
 separately. I would first look in the FileVault source code to see how
it's done, it might be interesting to get all the corners right.

We're tracking this under 


which also has a link to how FileVault handles things.


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