Hello Robert,

Thanks for the suggestions. I got a reply on Composum github issues[1]

It seems Composum does not update related properties by default. If I
change jcr:data via upload, only jcr:data is updated.

In the reply, it says it is fixed in Composum 1.8, just released. I did
not check it.


[1] https://github.com/ist-dresden/composum/issues/84

On 08.06.2017 11:48, Robert Munteanu wrote:
> Hi Eugen,
> On Thu, 2017-06-01 at 16:41 +0300, Ioan Eugen Stan wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have posted this issue on the composum issue tracker [0], but not
>> sure
>> where is the right place so I'm posting it here as well.
>> I'm using the latest sling-launchpad
>> org.apache.sling.launchpad-9-20170531.170627-12089.jar with composum
>> browser.
>> I use the browser to create a |nt:file| image |content/hello.png|. I
>> can
>> preview the image.
>> After that I upload a new image by double clicking on the jcr:data
>> and
>> using the upload dialog there.
>> Using the preview button on |jcr:content| node, I can see the new
>> image.
>> Using preview on the |hello.png| file shows the old version.
>> Also, viewing the image on the public link displayes the old image as
>> well [1]
>> One workaround is to manually change the |jcr:lastModified| property
>> of
>> the 'jcr:content' node.
>> That way, the image is updated.
>> The same thing happens with file updates as well. Editing a file via
>> the
>> composum web interface does not change the contents in the public
>> link,
>> unless you update the jcr:lastModified proeprty.
> From your description this sounds like a composum issue. Out of
> curiosity, do file uploads performed without composum exhibit the same
> issue?
> Thanks,
> Robert
>> [0] https://github.com/ist-dresden/composum/issues/84
>> [1] http://localhost:8080/content/hello.png

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