Sorry for the delayed response. See below.

On Thu, 2018-08-02 at 09:18 -0400, Jason E Bailey wrote:
> Really, there's so much to this response. I'll try to be as short as
> possible just to delineate ideas.
> 1. **Start thinking of Sling as Product**
> 2. Define what should be in the product
> 3. Change how we handle the individual bundles, categorize them
> better, make the javadoc available for each bundle directly from the
> website.
> Sling Start is effectively the Sling release.
> Scenario for a Sling Start product.
> 1. A major release of Sling Start occurs
> 2. Sling Start is branched for that release.
> 3. Any minor changes to bundles that are added to master can also be
> added to that release branch, after a certain amount of bug fixes a
> release of that branch can occur. And we'd have a point release. A
> major bundle change would not go into the release branch, only the
> master branch for the next major release of Sling Start.
> I wouldn't say that every bundle update needs to have a release of
> Sling Start. But if we've done a release and something doesn't work
> in that release, then yes that deserves another release to occur. It
> should be a given to someone coming to the site that if they download
> a release that the functionality that we promise is there and working
> correctly.
> It also might make sense to have multiple releases representing
> different needs. One that is just core necessities, another that has
> example content, another that is tailored for need 'x' 
> If we have a product centered release, it would be easier for someone
> downstream to build on top of it. Although I appreciate and get that
> launchpad directly should be used by some products, there's a lot of
> custom knowledge that someone would have to have to do. 

All of the above sounds good to me. And _except_ for the maintenance
releases this is something that we should do anyway - bundle
categorisation, javadocs, testing before merging, etc.

The only thing that stops of from doing maintenance releases is the
effort of running a release. Perhaps I'm the only one talking about it
since I handled the last 3 releases :-)

If anyone wants to volunteer for Sling 11 - with a helping hand from me
- I'm be more than happy to pass the torch and then we have more eyes
on what is a pretty manual and no-so-exciting process.


> - Jason
> On Wed, Aug 1, 2018, at 1:03 PM, Robert Munteanu wrote:
> > On Wed, 2018-08-01 at 08:24 -0400, Jason E Bailey wrote:
> > > I would love to see someone create a supported Sling release,
> > > kinda
> > > like CRX back in the day. One that you could go to and download
> > > and
> > > you know you're getting a stable set of bundles, and that will do
> > > point releases if a bug is discovered. That sort of thing.
> > 
> > In Sling all releases are going forward. It's rare that we do
> > maintenance branches. Actually, I think we only have it for the
> > Sling
> > mocks and for the IDE tooling, so no actual bundles.
> > 
> > The fix is always "pick up the most recent version of the bundle".
> > In
> > terms of that, we could technically release the Sling Starter as
> > well,
> > but that is a lot of overhead.
> > 
> > How would you see a stable Sling (Starter?) product approached?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Robert
> > 

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