Hi Radu

I think your proposed solution is unnecessarily intrusive and
complicated. I am still convinced that this issue could be simply and
elegantly be solved with a ResourceAccessGate for both servlets and
scripts in a generic way.

I think you mean well, but I am under the impression that you slightly
misunderstand or lack a deep understanding of Sling's resource tree
abstraction and how ResourceAccessGates fit in. Let me explain and you
be the judge of whether you misunderstood or not ;) Or indeed if my
understanding turns out to be incorrect. Note: I didn't check any
camel-cased names to be real class-names and thus blurb is meant to be
conceptually correct rather than precise in the details.

Sling's resource tree is an aggregate view composed of resources
contributed by multiple ResourceProviders.
- Most commonly, scripts (e.g. jsp, htl) are stored in a JCR
repository and are thus contributed by the JcrResourceProvider.
- Servlets are hooked into Sling's resource tree by registering a
ServletResourceProvider for each Servlet.
- Scripts can be pre-compiled and packaged into bundles as resources
exposed by a BundleResourceProvider.

IIUC the ResourceAccessGate operates on Slings' resource tree, i.e.
the aggregate view. Therefore I would expect it to work seamlessly to
deny access to servlets and scripts (servlets are actually handled as
scripts with extension "servlet" internally AFAIK).

- DefaultPostServlet, registered at
"/libs/sling/servlet/default/POST.servlet", meaning
[resourceType=sling/servlet/default, method=POST,
- SlingJUnitServlet, registered at
[resourceType=sling/junit/testing, method=GET, extension=junit,
- the script /apps/sling/info/info.jsp [resourceType=sling/info,

So securing /libs/sling/junit would prevent access to the
SlingJUnitServlet, just like securing /apps/sling/info would prevent
access to the script /apps/sling/info/info.jsp.

There is one possible pitfall that I see: I believe the ScriptResolver
uses a service user internally. But maybe we could get our hands on
the current request's user and fix this if it is indeed a problem.

I hope this helps create a clearer image of what I proposed in the
previous thread.


On Thu, Oct 4, 2018 at 2:06 PM Radu Cotescu <r...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> > On 3 Oct 2018, at 22:26, Jason E Bailey <j...@apache.org> wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, Oct 3, 2018, at 7:57 AM, Radu Cotescu wrote:
> >
> >> Servlets do create Sling resources, but that’s not applicable to scripts
> >> deployed in the search paths.
> >
> > Could you clarify that a bit for me. I'm under the impression that in Sling 
> > everything is a resource, when does it not create a resource?
> Sure. A servlet registration, like Justin mentioned on the referenced thread 
> [0], creates a ResourceProvider mapped to a certain path - just check 
> /system/console/status-jcrresolver and see the reported paths. Search path 
> scripts, although at runtime generate Servlets (through adaptation), they 
> will not generate a similar ResourceProvider like proper Servlets do.
> I guess what I wanted to say is that the behaviour regarding what gets 
> generated for a resource type mapping is not consistent, hence why trying to 
> work with what we already have would be difficult, since we’d have to secure 
> the RP entries (which get created dynamically) and the scripts, but these 
> resources would be all over the place.
> For now my suggestion is to create an isolated content tree where we’d define 
> different kinds of permissions, where the sling:resourceType execution would 
> be one of them. I wouldn’t expose any API for it, just make it an 
> implementation detail of the Sling Engine. If we figure out we want more 
> types of permissions we either extend the tree or we start creating an API to 
> manage everything and maybe even delegate permission storage to other systems.
> Cheers,
> Radu

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